Posted by SOTTO Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The FHOO7 Mini System is a scaled down version of the acclaimed FHOO1, FHOO2 & FHOO3. The FHOO7 has been designed to enhance the sound output of both laptop and desktop computers (Mac and PC), MP3 players, in fact the FHOO7 will work with pretty much every Hi-Fi music player format and device. The FHOO7 audio system is 5 piece powered speaker system that plugs and plays with Computers, iPods, TV's, Hi-fi systems and Game Consoles. The FHOO7 has received 5 star rating and rave reviews from media outlets ranging from Macworld to Sunday Times, from T3 magazine to Sky News, and since going on sale to the public in August 2007 has established a reputation across Europe as the “most stylish speakers in existence”. LINK

ikyaudio white sea cucumbers audio speakers - Design Copyright Pending
"Impressive! Especially for such a tiny driver. I'm amazed at the separation/imaging, and how nicely vocals sound. I've listened to some music on them, and have watched a few netflix movies using the speakers as the sound-so much better than the computer speakers!! And they seem to have plenty of volume using the mini amp." LINK
Panda Speaker

Calling us to love, music reaches out to warm us in its embrace. Feel the sounds that affectionately flow from these lovely stereo stilettos and purse. The passionate highs entice from the extended range drivers exposed in the sultry pumps, while the intimate lows exude from the potent subwoofer deep inside the patent leather purse. The engaging sound from this beautiful design is sure to sweep you off your feet. LINK
Cross-Culture Stereo (Images courtesy Tyler Held)
Created with the intentions of inspiring people to re-purpose old appliances and gadgets instead of just discarding them, Tyler Held’s Cross-Culture stereo system is cleverly built into an old 4-burner stove. Using components from an Eclipse system designed for cars, each of the burners have been replaced with 6.5-inch speakers with tweeters, while the oven now hides a 12-inch sub-woofer. And the control panel where you’d normally find dials and a clock has been wiped clean of clutter and replaced with a 7-inch pop-up touch screen head unit for accessing your music library or playing DVDs. Up next, hopefully a way to convert my broken microwave into an answering machine, since ‘converting’ it into a sock warmer is what did it in. LINK
Shower Speakers 
Hi-Fido Speaker
Klang Ultrasonic Speakers

Parrot Zikmu Speakers


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