Joey goes to Japan

Posted by SOTTO Thursday, November 29, 2012 , , ,

@JoeyTheDingo is on a trip to Japan and he is sending back updates on his amazing adventures in Tokyo and beyond. His travel wish list includes the bullet train, Mt Fuji, the snow monkeys, getting stuffed into a subway, sleeping in a hotel tube and seeing the bizarre street vending machines. He has gone to see Mt Fuji on the incredibly fast (and on time) bullet train and has also met the cut little monkeys.
He didn't get the hotel with sleeping tubes because of the communal bathrooms. And the bathrooms are like horizontal urinals which take some getting used to.
There are some great signs in Japan - don't squat on top of the toilet!

Posted by Joe Hamilton. See more of exotic Japan sights after the jump.

Italian Street ice cream vending machine
City views

snack bag of asparagus biscuits

tree protection and bench
Space is such a premium you build up so you have 10-12 story buildings with maybe 2units per floor
Stores the same, 8 floors with different items per floor
face mask vending machine

No smoking while walking sign
subway train suicide barrier. some of the subways have pushers to get passengers squished into the trains
Night lights

streets busy at night


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