Protesters gathered their signs and banners during the OPSEU local 540 smorgasbord of complaints against the #Toronto municipal government: "Bad Management. You're paying for it." Striking housing workers who work with low-income tenants were picketing from noon to 4 pm on Wednesday, February 20, 2013.
Members and supporters of the union brought the signs out that said "stop union bashing, stop policing the poor, dignity first at homes first, making a difference one person at a time and end the lockout now." Calling for the City funded First Homes Society to return to bargaining after contract talks broke down a few weeks ago.
"Homes First receives more than $6 million in annual funding from the City of Toronto. The workers, represented by Local 540 of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), are calling on city council to demand that management get back to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith. The union has filed a bad faith bargaining application with the Ontario Labour Relations Board."