"Drive" from RSA Animate is an stunning combination of amazingly skilled whiteboard drawing synchronized with a fascinating talk about what motivates us to do our best in life. Magical, inspiring and hypnotic - The ideas and info in this whiteboard animation are as cool as the drawing execution and artistry.

Click on the full-screen button (at the bottom right
of the video player
), to make the movie nice and BIG!
The artist describes this as "Scribing" Whatever you call it, it's also some of the best cartooning I've ever seen.

The artist is part of a firm called Cognitive Media . They certainly downplay the identity of the individual artist because I've been searching for a while and I sure can't find it!

Anyway, if you're as blown away as I am by this drawing/presentation/animation technique, there's links to their other videos and lots more cool stuff at the Cognitive Media website:

This viewer-friendly visualization of concepts and ideas also brings to mind the sketch notes of artist Mike Rohde:


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


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