Complete Milt Gross Comic Book Stories
The Complete Milt Gross Comic Book Stories is finally IN STOCK at Amazon! Just got mine via FedEx's BEAUTIFUL! (insert sound of weeping for joy!) Complete Milt Gross Comic Book Stories is a beautifully designed book collects the complete comic book stories of comic genius Milt Gross, culled from rare, impossible to track down comic books of the '40s, which have been lovingly restored.  This thick, full-color, 368-page hardcover book, in addition to exhuming every one of Milt Gross' wild and crazy comic book stories, shares rare photos, sketches, and unpublished art, including the previously unknown cover to the Milt Gross Funnies #3!
All the comics are lovingly photographed from the old yellowed comic book paper of the original comics. The coloring looks totally natural against the off-white, pulpy-textured paper. The paper itself is very hefty and thick, so there is no bleed-thru or transparency of images. This is a solidly-built book, with a strong sewn binding. I will post a review of the biography and all the extras as soon as I get a chance to properly wallow around with this beautiful classic comics collection!
For more on Milt Gross:
A couple years ago I posted a fantastic seven-page Count Screwloose comedy epic from ACG's Kilroys #5. Just CLICK below on the goofy dude smoking a mouthful of cigars to jump over and see that delicious set of vintage comic book scans!

Milt Gross  comic book scan detail of a funny man smoking seven cigars at once
John K. wrote a couple posts that really sum up all that is wonderful about Milt Gross. Check out his insightful and heartfelt articles on Milt Gross HERE: all kinds of stuff: WOW. MILT GROSS. style, observation, sincerity, humanity ...and HERE: all kinds of stuff: Milt Gross comics, drawing with every principle EXCEPT construction 
And here's John K's great tribute to Milt Gross HERE.
The Asifa-Hollywood Animation Archive has some super scans of Milt Gross newspaper comics like Count Screwloose and Dave's delicatessen HERE.


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